Faith In You

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Faith is “complete confidence or trust in someone or something”.

Believing in something can be rewarding and powerful. Just knowing that you are not alone can help you through. Someone else or some other existential being is in charge of your path. Your journey is not dictated by what you want at any given time, but instead is planned out for you in advance.

But searching for that faith can be more challenging. Believe me, I know. There are days when you don’t think you can find that strength or realize the hope that is there. But on those days, find the faith to be ok. Find the faith to hold on to yourself. Find the faith to push through the surface. Find the faith to remember your strength and the person that you are. That ok day will become better.

I have faith in you. I have faith in me. I have faith in our abilities to make it through. You are a strong individual and if you look toward your personal faith: whether it be in yourself, in a higher power, in your love for friends and family, or anywhere else, you will find that strength to be closer to the surface than you expected.

Have faith in you because I do.


6 thoughts on “Faith In You

  1. You are right. The power of belief can help you to achieve many good things. Thank you for the inspiring words


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